Shannon's words from the Heart.

Nettie Lee { In Loving Memory }

It's still so hard
for me
to believe that your gone.
I still catch myself,
wanting to stop to see if your home.
I love you so much,
I cant let you go.
You should be here with me,
to watch our children
I know your in Heaven
watching down on me.
I'm still not understanding
how this could be.
We had such big plans,
there were so many things we wanted to do.
Nettie my world
is just not the same without
I never thought
I could feel so empty
Girl why did you leave me,
why did you have to die?
Everyone keeps saying,that your
in a better place
and I know this is
But I cant help but ask
the Lord,
" why He had to take you? "
I know I must go on
with my Life,
but without you it just
wont be the same.
My heart will always
and forever
feel this pain.
Nettie you are the only
real,true friend
that I have ever had.
We were always there for
each other
whether happy, mad, or
You will always be here
with me
standing by my
And I know you will
catch every little
that I cry.


Nettie and I have been Best friends for 14yrs.
Now she is in Heaven where she'll never have
to hurt again. I miss her terribly!!
One day I will see her again......


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